Locating a Restricted Bank Account at Israel Bank

Locating a Restricted Bank Account at Israel Bank

In case 10 or more of a client's checks bounced within a period of 12 months, the law states that the client enters into a status of restricted account.  This under the condition that at least 15 days have passed between the refusal of the first check and the last one.  The implications on a restricted account are different, based on the type of restriction (restricted, serious, or special) when, in fact, the client's bank account is "silenced" for a period of one year, and it enters a list of restricted accounts which is managed by Israel Bank.


It is possible to conduct a check of a restricted account at Israel Bank if you wish to assess whether your account has been entered into the list, or if you wish to check if someone else's account has been restricted, in order to prevent receiving defaulting checks.  To conduct the search, you must provide the account details (account number, branch, and bank) or using an I.D. number of the client.

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